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Friday, October 19, 2007

Ryun congratulates self on winning rigged poll

Jim Ryun sent a message out on his mailing list today, heralding his victory over Lynn Jenkins in a straw poll conducted by fellow Kansas political blogger Stay Red Kansas- 63% to 37%!

A victory for certain, but a hollow one, because the poll was patently un-democratic. According to SRK, they actually limited the number of daily participants in the poll- because, in their words, “We wanted to see which campaign would organize their net-roots around obstacles (like waking up at 3 AM to vote in this thing). We want to see who "wanted it" more.”

They posted that after dozens of posters complained about not being able to vote, which lead to a mini blog revolt, something Ryun even mentioned in his e-mail to supporters. Smells awfully fishy to this blogger- seems more likely that it was an accident that they then tried to cover up with some ridiculously implausible spin.

So, good for you, Jim Ryun, you won an election that was about as unfair as it could have been. I’m sure you should be proud.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe he used that crappy poll for anything. I guess that shows his desperation and fear of Lynn Jenkins.

Anonymous said...

the republicans are good at scaring people into doing what they want.

Anonymous said...

If Boyda is such a great Congresswoman, how come nobody has given her a townhouse yet?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I absolutely hate the name "Boyda Bloc." It's very pinko communistic.

While I'm aware that you're nothing but a bunch of Lawrence leftie radicals, there's still no need to announce it to the world.

The blog name is going to spook the yeoman farmers and the bourgeoisie that Nancy needs for reelect.

Also, Nancy seems to have an enormous chip on her shoulder. Tell her to chill out.

I think she's trying to prove that she's smart and serious. That's a bad move because (1) she's not smart (she's only smarter than Ryun ... and that was a pretty low hurdle to jump) and (2) politicans are far too ridiculous to ever be taken seriously so don't waste time trying.

I predict that Lynn Jenkins will Nancy's general election opponent. If that's the case, Nancy CANNOT be serious. She's going to have to prove that she can be bubbly and cutsie like Lynn Jenkins. If Nancy doesn't change her act, she's going to lose.

I recommend that you rename this blog to reflect Nancy's new image. I recommend the following names: "Boydalicious" or "Boyda Boyda Bang Bang." Nancy needs to be less Bonnie Frankline and more Valerie Bertinelli. She needs to stop being melodramatic about everything and she needs to learn to tell a good joke. We need to make her more likable and interesting. Maybe she should adopt an adorable third world child who can serve as her sidekick.

Anonymous said...

She needs to stop being melodramatic about everything and she needs to learn to tell a good joke.

Nothing could be closer to the truth.

Boyda Bloc said...

I tried to think of something alliterative...and the intent certainly wasn't to make it sound pinko-commie...I was even hoping it was kind of funny.

Ah well, you can't please everyone...or anyone...

Anonymous said...

Boyda Bloc is kinda funny. Boydalicious is much funnier.

Boyda does need a sidekick. I'm thinking that a third world child might not be right. How about a talking parrot that sits on her shoulder? Nancy can make a speech, then the parrot can say funny things about Bush and Republicans. It would be really good.

Anonymous said...

How about renaming the blog ......
San Kan Nan's Place!

This blog is not affiliated in any way with the Kansas Democratic Party, the Democratic National Committee, Congresswoman Nancy Boyda, the Office of Congresswoman Nancy Boyda, or the campaign to re-elected Congresswoman Nancy Boyda. All commentary herein not directly attributed must be considered the opinion of the authors of this blog and not of any other individual, including Congresswoman Nancy Boyda.