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Saturday, December 1, 2007

Boyda, Sebelius & Baby Jay present grant

For your weekend heartwarming piece, Congresswoman Nancy Boyda & Governor Kathleen Sebelius helped officials from the University of Kansas (including Baby Jay) announced a $2.4 million grant to KU in Topeka on Friday. The grant money will beutilized to increase the number of people studying to become math and science teachers in the state of Kansas.

Boyda & Sebelius were joined by fifth grades from Pinckney Elementary School in Lawrence.

To learn more, read the article that ran in the Lawrence Journal-World.

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This blog is not affiliated in any way with the Kansas Democratic Party, the Democratic National Committee, Congresswoman Nancy Boyda, the Office of Congresswoman Nancy Boyda, or the campaign to re-elected Congresswoman Nancy Boyda. All commentary herein not directly attributed must be considered the opinion of the authors of this blog and not of any other individual, including Congresswoman Nancy Boyda.