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Saturday, December 22, 2007

SEK reacts to funding secured by Boyda

More Kansans today thanked Congresswoman Nancy Boyda for delivering for all of us in the 2008 appropriations bill.

Reported in today's Pittsburg Morning Sun, the Omnibus Appropriations Bill included $335,000 to help the Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas upgrade technology, including "making all medical records electronic, upgrading the center's ultrasound and cardiac equipment, and the addition of an X-ray machine."

Krista Postai, Director of CHC/SEK is quoted as saying that her staff "danced for joy" when they got word the bill passed.

"This will take us a quantum leap forward in our ability to provide care, especially in the area of technology," Postai said.
Postai recounts a story that you could hear up and down the district this holiday season, and it speaks directly to the level of commitment Nancy Boyda has to her constituents.
"When she (Boyda) first got elected, she came back to southeast Kansas because she really is attached to this area," Postai said. "We had just started construction and it was freezing and she stood with a little hard hat on and she looked at things and really, really was very supportive and encouraging. It's so wonderful to know that she remembered. It was a wonderful Christmas gift."
Scenes like these are heartwarming, and a reminder that all "earmarks" aren't bad things. In fact, responsible members of Congress, members who are doing their jobs, make sure federal funds come home to help fulfill needs like those at the CHC/SEK. We're lucky to have Congresswoman Nancy Boyda fighting for us in Washington, and all the people who rely on the CHC/SEK for medical service are particularly luck she's there working for them.

(As a side note, we'll be posting a little slower over the new couple of week- Christmas and all- but we'll hopefully not miss too many days. We hope all of you, even the people that come here and say mean things, have a lovely holiday season).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's stories like this one that make me wonder where the anti-earmark groups get off....this was something good the government did.

This blog is not affiliated in any way with the Kansas Democratic Party, the Democratic National Committee, Congresswoman Nancy Boyda, the Office of Congresswoman Nancy Boyda, or the campaign to re-elected Congresswoman Nancy Boyda. All commentary herein not directly attributed must be considered the opinion of the authors of this blog and not of any other individual, including Congresswoman Nancy Boyda.