The quote in the headline is from Dr. John Iley, Chairman of the Pittsburg State University Technology Studies and the Automotive Technology Department. He said it after Congresswoman Nancy Boyda asked him if he thought the $263,310 federal allocation to the school’s Kansas Technology Center she secured fell in that category.
We agree, and we think most Kansans would agree, with his "of course not" assessment, and that maybe, just maybe people are starting to realize "earmark" isn't a dirty word.
Working in tandem (and in a bipartisan manner) with Senator Sam Brownback, Boyda was able to secure a total of more than $1.3 million for PSU in an effort to make sure the university has the best equipment possible.
It's about the future of Kansas, both Boyda and Illey said, and it's about making sure Kansas graduates can compete on a global scale.
Just another example of Boyda's bipartisan leadership style, her dedication to her district, and her smart use of federal dollars to improve the lives of all of us back at home.[...] but she said this money will make a difference in preparing PSU students for careers. She also said the money will be used at the technology center for woodworking, plastics, automotive and other programs.
“We’ve got to get ready for the 21st century,” she said. - The Joplin Globe
thank AFP for making peopele think earmarks are bad...worst thing that they've ever done.
spending is good people! wasteful spending is bad! this is OBVIOUSLY an earmark and OBVIOUSLY not wasteful.
But how many wasteful projects did Boyda have to vote for to get this money? Folks, it is still our money. Let's keep it in Kansas in the first place.
no, this was money from Utah, Alaska, New Jersey, and Missouri. Maybe Kansas, too.
"lets keep it in kansas" is a foolish arguement...first because i don't trust the state legislature to know what in the world to fund, and because i'm sure people that live in garden city will just start saying "this is our money, lets keep it in garden city."
that can't be how the country operates, and that's exactly what the Americans for Prosperity want.
Who said give it to state government ..... how about keeping it in the pocket of tax payers?
Was the Prison Museum good or bad spending in your mind?
it's money that needs spent...the $1.3 milllion for PSU needed spent, regardless of what AFP might say...decide how much you like not funding government when you don't have a police force or any road improvements.
the prison museum directly benefits the people of Lansing- it creates a tourist attraction that will generate additional sales tax money, which prevents increased property taxes.
i'd think all you spending slashers would be pleased.
We Kansans get more back from the Federal Government than we pay in, so we really shouldn't be complaining. The latest figures that I've seen show that we get back $1.09 for every dollar that we pay in. Some states have it better, some states have it worse, but we're doing pretty good. If we were one of the states getting back under a dollar, I'd probably be more sympathetic to AFP.
Also, people would take you anti-tax nuts more seriously if you would also attack military spending. More money has been wasted in Iraq than has ever been wasted in America, not to mention all of the price-gouging and other dirty tricks that defense contractors use to rip-off our government.
here here!
do any fake former boyda staffers want to post over here that eveyrone hates nancy and steve? no, of course not, because the people the read this blog are too smart to be taken in by all the craziness that goes on at the other blogs.
good job, people, i respect all of you!
What other blogs are you talking about? The collection of chimps over at Bounce Boyda? Nobody takes them seriously--not even their own republican party.
i love keith olbermann....he just did exactly what we all should be saying about FISA...the Republicans are sooo screwed.
So maybe the fedeal government ought to be giving money to western Kansas so they can create more tourist attractions. Maybe they can fund one in each city so there will be no need to raise property taxes ever.
talk to jerry moran...he's their congressman.
Does Nancy Boyda smoke cigarettes?
Western Kansas has a lot of nice tourist attractions, but none of them are very interesting. The World's Largest Prairie Dog, the World's Largest Ball of Twine, and the World's Largest Hand-Dug Well aren't gonna appeal to very many people or get 'em to come to your town...but that's all they've got, and I'm sure that at least two of those three have received Federal money.
The World's Largest Prairie Dog is a complete rip-off! Damn thing is a concrete statue of a prairie dog, not a real one!
lol....i hear you, friend
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