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Friday, April 4, 2008

He Said it Again: Ryun Advocating a $1.6 TRILLION Stimulus Package

We kind of thought he was just being tongue-in-cheek yesterday on the Raubin & Megan radio show when Jim Ryun said the stimulus package passed by Congress should have been increased by ten fold.

We thought it was sarcasm, because how in the world could a self-described "fiscal conservative" advocate for a $12,000 payout to every single American taxpayer? How could a self-described "fiscal conservative" advocate a $1.5 TRILLION jump in the deficit?

He wasn't being tongue-in-cheek and he wasn't being sarcastic, because former Congressman Jim Ryun just said again, this time on the Jim Cates Show on KMAJ 1440, that he wishes the Congress would have passed a stimulus package that would have given American taxpayers a $12,000 check.

Here's the exact quote from yesterday:

Ryun: Let me just say this- if the amount of money coming back, lets say to the to the typical average family, if $1,200 was good, why not $12,000? You know, let's really stimulate the economy and make it go forward.
Sure, Jim, but how do you suggest we pay for that? New taxes? Borrowing from China? After blathering on about the weak dollar and how flimsy the economy is, Jim Ryun thinks the best way to fix it is to saddle future generations with trillions of dollars in new debt.

It's ridiculous statements like this one that made Americans know Republicans couldn't handle money, and another reason Democrats like Nancy Boyda will find themselves still in Congress in 2009.


Anonymous said...

wow... does he really understand the state of the economy?

Anonymous said...

Wow, I think this blog is part of the 9/11 Conspiracy movement as well. Can you really be this naive? Jim's quote's are making exactly the opposite point that you allege. He's asking "where does it end?," not saying "I want it to be more."

Grow up or starting thinking through your responses.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! Wow. . .you are really that stupid. It's pretty obvious what Ryun was saying. Something like this starts and where does it end. It begs the question. continu

Anonymous said...

the republican spin is so awesome...his quote was nothing like "where will it end?" it was SO clearly "it should have been bigger.

watch him try to dial it back.

Anonymous said...

Apparently everyone but BoydaBloc understands the concept of sarcasm. And BTW, how does Nancy suggest we pay for the $1200 stimulus checks SHE voted for? "New taxes? Borrowing from China? Saddle future generations with trillions of dollars in new debt"? Yep, all of the above. Thanks for pointing that out for us.

Anonymous said...

So is Ryun against the $1,200??

Anonymous said...

ryun wasn't being sarcastic

Anonymous said...

how can you republican nuts defend what he said? He was obviously not being sarcastic...even if he was it was hamfisted and jarring...he is smarter than that

Anonymous said...

it is one of the two...either he thinks it should have been bigger or there shouldn't have been one at all

Which is it Ryun apologists?

Anonymous said...

How has Congresswoman Boyda proposed to pay for the $1,200 stimulus package?

1) Borrowing more money from other countries including China?

2) Just print more money and further de-value the dollar?

3) New taxes?

So which is it? How is the Democratic controlled Congress going to pay for this government program?

Anonymous said...

oh dear...the comments have been taken over by Ron Paul supporters...

Anonymous said...

Nope just basic economics ..... something most political leaders don't seem to understand.

It is not possible to spend your way into prosperity. You can't boost the economy by borrowing and spending money you don't have.

Anonymous said...

an infusion of cash into the economy will help the economy.

Anonymous said...

Not if not when a majority of people say they are going to either save it or use it to pay bills.

More debt and the devaluation of the dollar does not boost the economy.

This blog is not affiliated in any way with the Kansas Democratic Party, the Democratic National Committee, Congresswoman Nancy Boyda, the Office of Congresswoman Nancy Boyda, or the campaign to re-elected Congresswoman Nancy Boyda. All commentary herein not directly attributed must be considered the opinion of the authors of this blog and not of any other individual, including Congresswoman Nancy Boyda.