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Monday, April 14, 2008

Audience Participation in Upcoming Debates & FEC Predictions

According to a Q&A with Dr. Bob Beatty that appeared in Saturday's Topeka Capitol-Journal, residents of the 2nd Congressional District have been officially encouraged to submit potential questions for the announced debates between Lynn Jenkins & Jim Ryun in July, and between whichever one of them wins and Congresswoman Nancy Boyda in October.

If you've got a question you want asked, e-mail it to Probably ought to hold off on questions for the Boyda vs. Republican debate for a few months (and we'll remind you then), but the Ryun vs. Jenkins rumble is just around the corner.

Another little bit of news- We should have the FEC reports tomorrow. So, we'll ask again: Who's going to report what?

Lay it on us, kids!


Anonymous said...

Ryun: $300,000
Jenkins: $125,000

Boyda: $100,000

Anonymous said...

k, i'll bite

Ryun: $225,000
Jenkins: $95,000

Boyda: $180,000

Anonymous said...

Ryun isn't going to break $200,000 this quarter.

Jenkins will outraise him.

Boyda won't show much of anything raised- smaller than Jenkins' last filing.

This blog is not affiliated in any way with the Kansas Democratic Party, the Democratic National Committee, Congresswoman Nancy Boyda, the Office of Congresswoman Nancy Boyda, or the campaign to re-elected Congresswoman Nancy Boyda. All commentary herein not directly attributed must be considered the opinion of the authors of this blog and not of any other individual, including Congresswoman Nancy Boyda.