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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Jenkins Opposes New Stimulus Plan

Operating on the old Republican axiom of "Why help the working class, silly?" Lynn Jenkins has announced she is opposed to any effort to issue another round of stimulus checks.

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) - Republican Lynn Jenkins says she doesn't support efforts by Congress to approve a new economic stimulus package.

The GOP nominee in the 2nd Congressional District said the first package, approved earlier this year, didn't adequately stimulate the economy.

As for talk of a new one, she said Friday that it "reeks of political expediency."

That's fine, Lynn- you've had that excuse for helping out the middle class before (just a couple days ago when talking about the Wall Street Bailout you said Congresswoman Nancy Boyda was taking the easy way out, even though you said you would have done the same).

Boyda, rightly, said Jenkins' stance we irresponsible.
Boyda said it would be irresponsible to take any proposal for improving the economy off the table.
Jenkins retorted with "We'd be better served by making the Bush tax cuts permenant." Again, Lynn, glad you're looking out for the wealthiest Americans rather than trying to help struggling families make ends meet.


Anonymous said...

welfare checks for everyone Part 2 ...... let's increase the national debt even more ..... that ought to help the ecomomy

Anonymous said...

spending will the economy regardless of how it's spent.

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