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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

President George W. Bush in Kansas City

That's right, the least popular president in modern history is coming to Kansas City, Kansas, to campaign for Republican congressional candidate State Senate Nick Jordan.

What on Earth is wrong with Jordan we do not know- this comes after he threw an ill-attended fundraiser with Vice President Dick Cheney- so this makes him only the second Republican candidate in the nation to bring both Cheney and the President in to glad-hand for him.

The other? Missouri Congressman Sam Graves- who, like Jordan, suffers from a desperate lack of money and Democratic opponents they're going to have an awfully hard time defeating.

How does this fit into the race in the Kansas 2nd?

Our sources say Lynn Jenkins is on the sponsor board of the event (she was also in attendance at the VP event). Strangely absent from the list of sponsors- Jim Ryun.

Is Jenkins simply too dumb to know her potential district disapproves of the president as much as the rest of the country, or is she simply a gadfly who is in desperate need of attention? And why is Ryun not supporting fellow candidate Nick Jordan? Has he really been pushed that far out of the center of the Kansas Republican Party?

UPDATE: Well, indeed Jim Ryun is on the invite- and while he is, apparently, still welcome to play with the big boys (and girls) of the KS GOP, we're now left with TWO candidates for Congress in the 2nd District stupid enough to put their names next to George W. Bush's. Guess it was just to much to expect any of them to learn from the disaster that was Bush's swing through for Ryun in '06.

More at Left Brain Kansas.


The Left Brain said...

Thanks for the plug!

It's always nice to see splash damage on other races. I think the reason Jim isn't on there is because he knows first hand how Bush/Cheney can torpedo your chances of winning an election around these parts.

Anonymous said...

If you think the Bush/Cheney connection hurt Republicans, wait until Obama starts showing up for Democrat candidates. We're already seeing it in Mississippi with candidates distancing themselves from him, but I think it's going to be a trend. He is much further left than a lot of the mainstream realizes. I am cheering for him to close out Clinton.

Anonymous said...

national figures don't play in kansas...on either side. everyone would be wise to make this about kansas.

it's too bad lynn's too dumb to know that.

Anonymous said...

obama's approval rating doesn't even compare with the 28-34% you see from george bush...even in kansas!

how can jenkins & jordan be this stupid?

Anonymous said...

"If you think the Bush/Cheney connection hurt Republicans, wait until Obama starts showing up for Democrat candidates."

How'd that work in Louisianna?

Anonymous said...

and my guess is it ain't gonna work in Mississippi either.

the commenter is right that candidates need to try to keep things local...but Obama and Pelosi don't scare people anything like Bush and Cheney do- even in kansas

Anonymous said...

get your facts right, Ryun's on the list too.

Anonymous said...

ryun's not on the invite

Boyda Bloc said...

Update, kids- Ryun IS on the invite...that's one of those problems with breakin' news, sometimes you get broken in the wrong direction.


This blog is not affiliated in any way with the Kansas Democratic Party, the Democratic National Committee, Congresswoman Nancy Boyda, the Office of Congresswoman Nancy Boyda, or the campaign to re-elected Congresswoman Nancy Boyda. All commentary herein not directly attributed must be considered the opinion of the authors of this blog and not of any other individual, including Congresswoman Nancy Boyda.