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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

LJ World: Jenkins Budget Slashing Plan Would Hurt Kansas Kids

During last night's debate, Lynn Jenkins waved around a piece of paper that was her "plan" to cut $310 billion from the federal budget- though she made it very clear that it was just a work in progress, and that there weren't well, details yet. She was working on those.

Cut her some slack- she's been busy. Lots of things things up in the air.

We now know, thanks to the Lawrence Journal-World, that Jenkins' "plan" to slash the federal budget comes straight from the radically conservative Heritage Foundation, and, if implemented, would cut funds to the State of Kansas dramatically.

During the debate, Jenkins provided a half-page typed sheet of nine bullet points that she said she had been working on. She said she would provide details later, but didn’t specify when, nor did her campaign staff.

“I think we’re on it,” said Jenkins. “This is what I do and I’m anxious to get to Washington,” she said.

Liar, Lynn. You're plagiarizing.

The source of her plan was based on the research and writing of Brian Riedl, a fellow in federal budgetary affairs at The Heritage Foundation, a self-described conservative think tank in Washington, D.C.

Sinking feeling the Heritage Foundation doesn't have the same priorities Kansans have? You've got reasons for that feeling, friends:

Included in that group are many that affect Kansans, such as food stamp nutrition education, seniors and woman, infants and children, farmers’ market programs, federal Perkins loans, federal work-study, assistance to rural school districts, and assistance to children in foster care, and many others.
Again, more evidence electing Lynn Jenkins would actually hurt Kansans- she would help Kansas universities or police departments the funds they need, and she'd cut programs that help the poor like federal Perkins loans (which help low-income kids go to college) and assistance to rural school districts.

Seeing our tax dollars wasted bothers us all, Lynn, even us crazy Democrats- but the idea someone running from the State of Kansas would promise to hurt the people she wants to represent and that she's tout a plan to make it harder for kids to get a college education or any education at all is embarrassing.


Anonymous said...

this is potentially the saddest part of all of jenkins' screw-ups.

Anonymous said...

no way...i can't believe she'd be stupid enough to actually endorse a plan to cut funds to rural school districts. she's dumb, but not that dumb.

Anonymous said...

[url=][b]wetter teneriffa[/b][/url]

[url=][b]deutsch wetter[b][/url]

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