Lynn Jenkins & her supporters are shocked- just shocked- anyone would dare tape record her at functions around her would-be district.
Just how dare they! These speeches aren't supposed to be available to the public! If she wanted the public to attend, she would, you know, announce the event in mass e-mails, or in newspapers, or on her web site, or by messenger pigeon, you know- she'd do something to let everyone know they were welcome to hear from the woman who wants to be their representative in Congress.
Maybe something like this, taken from a campaign e-mail sent May 29:
Finally, I will be in Garnett this Friday at 5:30 p.m. for a community barbecue at North Lake Park. There is no required cost for this event and it is open to the public, so if you're in the area, bring your friends out to enjoy some good food and an opportunity to let me know what's on your mind. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to Joshua Lewis.Oh. So the event was public? She did invite people to attend? Then will someone tell us how on Earth Lynn Jenkins could, how anyone could, even for a second, think it was inappropriate, unseemly, or out-of-bounds for someone to tape what she was saying?
We've said it all before: She is a public official running for a public office- the public, not just the few Republicans in a room at Garnett, have every last right to know literally everything she says, thinks and believes- everything.
Furthermore, where the hell does she and her staff get off thinking it's OK to hide her from the public eye ? How on earth can anyone running for public office rationalize actively trying to keep people in the dark about where they stand on the issues? How can any American political candidate do something as un-American as work hard to keep information about them out of the hands of the voters?
Every single time Lynn Jenkins and her campaign complains about the Kansas Democratic Party taping her public functions that is exactly what she is doing.
It's disappointing.
On a side note, it's also disappointing when campaigns become childish, and while every campaign (hopefully) tries to prevent that from happening, sometimes the force of stupid takes hold.
In a stunningly poorly written article in the Anderson County Review that relates the events from Jenkins' Garnett event, the writer tosses out an accusation that the KDP's tracker was filming the license plates of people at the event. That, of course, was not that case (and whoever wrote the article gets around to saying that- four paragraphs after making the accusation)- he was actually just filming his own car, which had been covered with Lynn Jenkins bumper stickers. (Vandalism isn't funny, children- be it of cars or of yard signs. Just remember that).
You'd hope campaigns wouldn't play the sorts of games teenagers play, but, what can you expect from a campaign who tries amateurishly to hide their candidate from the public's prying eye.
A word of advice to the Jenkins campaign: Stop showing off your lack of respect for people who don't agree with you, stop showing off the fact you're in over your head, and stop proving your "New Republican Leadership" is just more of the same old backroom, closed-doors, "hide everything from the public" Republican malarkey that we've suffered through for the last eight years.
If you don't, you're screwed.
lol...republicans HATE it when someone films them...the whole idea they can't tell dirty jokes or rip on poor people just gets to them.
Wow, someone must have taken away BB rattle. Waa Waa
That was a fantastic diatribe written by an anonymous blogger. If you are so sure of yourself, why don't you write this under your real name (Jason Croucher) and see if your editor there in Osage City will publish it in the paper you work for?
oh, children, shall we not cast stones we know perfectly well aren't true?
damn...good post!
you think this blog is whining? when lynn jenkins and all the republican blogs in kansas are constantly bitching about her being filmed IN PUBLIC when she's speaking?
god, this is why you people lose elections- you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
you get an idea stuck in your head and you won't let it go...everyone knows the dude doesn't write this blog- it's some chick named allie or ally or something.
pull your head out of the sand every once in awhile
actually...i know nothing about the person to talk about..but this could run in a paper.
submit it to the Cap-J, oh anon blogger!
Yeah ... Democrats love to be followed around with a video camera ..... I seem to remember Nancy poo not being real happy when she was video taped and found out it wasn't her little media people.... she welcomes them
no one likes to be filmed by the other side...but jenkins' staff treat the guy doing the filming badly and she lies about who he works for.
that's not cool.
at least neither of these republicans are as embarrassing as the Republicans they have running in Missouri-
the guy make Jenkins & Ryun look like rocket scientists.
hey jenkins people- we aren't the one hiding our candidate from the big scary man with the tape recorder.
go cry somewhere else.
uh...shouldn't it be "get crushed by hiding"
That's low man, you should never mess with a man's ride.
That's low man, you should never mess with a man's ride.
So, let me get this straight-Boyda Bloc thinks the public should know everything about the candidate? Really? Has anyone checked the Johnson County Courthouse records recently? Look under marriage licenses.
yes, everyone should know everything about where the candidates stand on all the issues
So what's in the Johnson County records that she doesn't want known?
so what about lynn jenkins' marriage? which one was it that was cheating?
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