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Saturday, June 7, 2008

No Wonder They're Doing So Poorly...

We've said it before (please, people, note the plural there...we don't do it for our health...), but our very best days hits-wise are the days we mention Lynn Jenkins. People just come out of the woodwork.

Not just any people, though- frequently they're people with the same e-mail extension:
Another little tidbit- we recently crossed the 17,000 hit marker- not bad. A lot of those hits are from referring sites- other blogs, stuff like that. Our top referring site is number 2? Yep, you guessed it: More hits than from both Google & Facebook combined.

We are awfully happy y'all to continue to read us, but, really, your boss would probably benefit from all of you spending more time working and less time posting nasty comments about Jim Ryun here.

We'd really like for you to keep coming back- you add a certain spice to our day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This blog is not affiliated in any way with the Kansas Democratic Party, the Democratic National Committee, Congresswoman Nancy Boyda, the Office of Congresswoman Nancy Boyda, or the campaign to re-elected Congresswoman Nancy Boyda. All commentary herein not directly attributed must be considered the opinion of the authors of this blog and not of any other individual, including Congresswoman Nancy Boyda.